Baidu Xiaodu Smart Screen Will Launch Two New Smart TV


Baidu Xiaodu Smart Screen Will Launch Two New Smart TV

On August 9, Baidu Xiaodu announced on its official Weibo account that it will release two new models TV this month, one measuring 2.98 inches and one measuring 86 inches. Currently, the Xiaodu Smart screen comes in four sizes -- 5.45 inches, 7 inches, 8 inches and 10 inches. Combined with the previous online news, Xiaody 86 inch intelligent screen is likely to represent Baidu's formal entry into the smart TV market.

The biggest advantage of the 86-inch smart TV is that it can achieve full voice control, and the AI voice-based smart TV is likely to bring the industry a smart TV that can be operated without remote control.

In recent years, domestic and foreign manufacturers have crossed into the smart TV big-screen market, the reason behind which is that the smart TV big-screen is the most likely to become the entrance and control center of the future smart home ecology. Currently, Huawei, Honor, Redmi, OPPO, Nokia, OnePlus and others have launched their own smart TV products.

As early as 2013, Baidu launched a software and hardware product similar to a TV box -- Baidu Shadow Stick. From this point of view, Baidu targeting the TV market is not a whim.