a dungeons process has crashed ue4-dungeons


Minecraft Dungeons collapse solution sharing

When you encountered a crash situation in the game, as shown below.
A Dungeons process has crashed: UE4-Dungeons

How to solve A Dungeons process has crashed: UE4-Dungeons?

1. Check if the game Minecraft Dungeons was downloaded to the C drive

When the Minecraft Dungeons was downloaded to the C drive, there will often be a shortage of memory and then an error will appear, just change the location of Minecraft Dungeons to another drive.


2. Minecraft Dungeons Requires win10 system

Players with this problem are almost all in win7 or win8 systems.

Since the game only supports win10, other versions may report errors.

Just update the system directly, and update to the w10 system to play.

The above is the solution to the collapse of my world's underground city. I hope to help everyone.