Don't wait for the new switch! Nintendo officials say it's just in the middle of its life span


Don't wait for the new Switch! Nintendo officials say it's just in the middle of its life span. On May 11, Nintendo announced its financial results for the previous fiscal year, which showed that its turnover in the previous fiscal year reached 1.308 trillion yen, up 9.0% year on year. The operating profit was 352.37 billion yen, up 41.1% year on year, and the profit attributable to the shareholders of the parent company was 258.641 billion yen, up 33.3% year on year.

Later, in the Q&A session with investors, David Gibson, an investment consultant of Nintendo, said that currently, the Nintendo Switch host is in the middle stage of its life cycle, and Nintendo will continue to launch the game based on the Switch host.

Previously, it was said that Nintendo was already developing the next generation Switch host, but at present, Nintendo has no plan to develop a new host. Officially, Switch is in its prime.

Switch host was released in 2017, and it has been 3 years since now, and it has been welcomed by a large number of players around the world. According to the time calculation, the official life cycle of this generation of Switch should be about 6 years, so the launch of the next generation of Switch hosts should be after 2023.

It has been rumored that Nintendo is developing a higher configuration "Switch Pro" model, but the specific time and configuration of the release have not been disclosed. In Nintendo's "temper", Nintendo never pursues better host configuration, but the perfect user experience they think. Nintendo said that they will continue to improve the attraction of Switch and develop more games for Switch.