Google and Dutch company Envision are working on smart glasses


Google has teamed up with a Dutch company Envision to develop a smart pair of smart glasses, according to an insider. The smart glasses use artificial intelligence technology to help people with low vision see what is in front of them

The smart glasses extract visual information from images of people, objects and public transport and then speak it out loud. It can read texts, name friends by analyzing their faces, and describe surroundings such as train signs and dangers on the streets.

People wearing smart glasses can read recipes from cookbooks, go to the grocery store, find ingredients on the shelf, and go home to prepare the dish.

See how it works in the video.

The technology was developed by Envision. This technology is very accurate, fast, high recognition rate, is one of the best OCR. It recognizes up to 60 languages and supports scribbling.

A new life in Google glasses?

Envision developed the software for the much-maligned Google glass. Google failed as a consumer product, but it lives on in the enterprise as a hands-free computer assistant in warehouses and factory floors.

Pre-orders for the Google glasses are available, starting at $1,699. The supply is expected to start from August this year, when the supply is likely to rise in price.

The function of this kind of smart glasses is great, and there are many people around the world who have visual impairment, but the price is too high to make the product really help the people who need it