"Hollywood" adpted the 20th Oscar out of all recognition


As is known to all, the "Hollywood" director had made many changes of key historical facts in the series Hollywood. In the 1940s, there were female CEOs and black gay screenwriters in the studios. The last episode of Hollywood, the change was at its peak: the 20th Oscar in 1948 was greatly revised.

20th Academy Awards winning results
Best Film: "Gentleman's Agreement"​
Best Director: Ilya Kazan, "Gentleman's Agreement"​
Best Actress: Lolita Young, "The Farmer's Daughter"​
Best Supporting Actress: Silest Holm, "Gentleman's Agreement"​
Best Screenplay: "Miracle on 34th Street"​
"Hollywood" revised winning results
Best Film: "Meg"​
Best Director: Raymond Ansley, "Meg"​
Best Actress: Camille Washington "Meg"​
Best Supporting Actress: Huang Liushuang "Meg"​
Best Screenplay: Archie Coleman "Meg"​



Does the film "Meg" really exist?

The answer is No.
"Meg" was fabricated in series "Hollywood". Other than the above winning results, There are many other changes "Hollywood" made that far from the historical facts, such as: the movie star Rock Hudson walking on the red carpet with his black boyfriend , the black screenwriter coming out of the closet when receiving the award, the black actress won the best actress, the Chinese actress Huang Liushuang won the Oscar best supporting actress, etc.