Is a screenless TV a smart TV? Pros and Cons in comparison with large-screen TV


Is a screenless TV a smart TV? This problem plagues most users. Screenless TV is also a new term developed in the past year or two. Presumably many people think that screenless TV is smart? So is a screenless TV a smart TV? Next, the editor of the projection network will give you an analysis.

Is a screenless TV a smart TV?

1. Is a screenless TV a smart TV?

The screenless TV should use projection technology to realize the picture is put on any white wall and other similar curtain carriers, to get rid of the restrictions on the LCD screen like the traditional LCD TV. And the screen size can be adjusted freely, mobile is very portable. Only projectors with TV reception and Android smart solutions can be called smart projection TVs or screenless super TVs. To put it bluntly, a screenless TV is a smart projector, but it is not a smart TV.

2.the difference between a screenless TV and a smart TV

Is there any difference other than whether there is a screen or not? The size of the smart TV is fixed, and you need to choose according to your needs. For the screenless TV, it is convenient to adjust the viewing size based on your preferences. This is also the most intuitive. First of all, the screenless TV is more space-saving in the use of home life for traditional TV. For many people, the size of the home space is the main factor limiting them, and with such a space-saving TV, there are natural advantages.

Secondly, its screen size is adjustable, which is more beneficial than the fixed size of a screen TV. Because sometimes we need to adjust different sizes according to different environments, and the screenless TV can adapt well to different environments, which is relatively better. Even if the screenless TV adopts the projection method, the quality of projection has developed to the present day, and it is no different from most LCD smart TVs. More importantly, the artificial intelligence of screenless TVs is very attractive today.

3. Pros and Cons of Smart Projector Compared with Large-screen TVs

First, screenless TVs can help consumers get rid of the limitations of TV screen size, while ensuring better picture effects under certain circumstances, increase the screen size as much as possible to bring consumers Come and enjoy the super-large screen of cinema level. Objectively speaking, at present, screenless TVs and physical large-screen TVs are competitive and complementary. For the market and consumers, they can choose according to their needs.