New features will be added to the PlayStation 5 to make it easier for players to play


As the release date of the PS5 approaches, speculation in and out of the industry is becoming less and less, as the official information is enough to answer many people's doubts. At present, only the appearance of the host and the price are not known.

However, it was recently revealed that the PlayStation 5's PlayStation Store will offer a downloadable demo. Literally, players can skip the long download time and instead try the game online and choose whether to buy it or not.

PlayStation Store

SONY, on the other hand, said PS5 SSD will reach 5.5 GB/s (original) or typical 8-9 GB/s (compressed) data capacity, while the PS4 mechanical hard disk only 50-100 MB/s, and the speed will be affected by the location of the data on the disk, seek time will range from 2 seconds to 50 seconds, while addressing PS5 hard drive time is instant. In terms of loading speed, the PS4 takes 20 seconds to load 1GB of data, while the PS5 only takes 0.27 seconds to load 2GB.


Based on former information, SONY will change the PS5's official launch date to June 4, and the price will most likely rise to $499 - $549.