Nintendo Switch NBA 2K20 walfare again


In recent years, the NBA 2K series has been criticized by fans as "the only one with no progress", but to be fair, it is the best NBA series game we can play at present. Today, the NS version of NBA 2K20 is on sale in Japan. The original price of the game is 7700 yen. Now it only needs 385 yen to own it, which is 50% off the original price.

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Last year's work "NBA 2K19" also had a big discount. At that time, the promotion was for America users.

It should be noted that NBA 2K is famous for its large capacity, which needs 41.3GB. Before purchase, NS players should pay attention to it. Compared with the previous work, NBA 2K20 has greatly improved its gameplay, including player's control experience and AI action.

If you need to buy NBA 2K20, you need a Japanese service account first. You can use credit card or paypal or purchase points to buy it.