PlayStation portal question


New member
So I plan on getting the portal because my brother owns a ps5 so I don’t really need to buy one cause he lets me use it when we go over to his place. router login
My question is that how far is the reach even though it’s connected to Wi-Fi. We both live in nj, but in different locations. Or if that’s not possible, should I just get my own ps5?
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The reach of the PlayStation console, like the PS5, is primarily determined by the internet connection and the PlayStation Network (PSN) infrastructure rather than the physical distance between locations. If you're planning to use your brother's PS5 remotely, you can leverage features like Remote Play, but keep in mind that a stable and high-speed internet connection is crucial for a smooth gaming experience.

Remote Play allows you to connect to your brother's PS5 over Wi-Fi from a different location, such as your own home in New Jersey. However, the quality of your gaming experience may vary based on the internet speeds at both locations. Ideally, a fast and reliable internet connection on both ends will ensure minimal lag and optimal performance.

If you find that the Remote Play experience is not meeting your expectations due to internet limitations or if you prefer having your own console for convenience, you might consider getting your own PS5. This way, you have full control over your gaming setup, and you won't be dependent on your brother's console and internet connection.

Ultimately, the decision depends on your gaming preferences, how often you plan to play, and whether you're comfortable with the Remote Play experience given the internet conditions between your locations.