Pokémon GO, Reshiram: How to beat it and capture it in raids?


A new Legendary arrives on Pokémon GO from Tuesday May 26: Reshiram. And believe us, you don't want to miss out! A few days ago, we devoted a full article dedicated to his analysis and it turns out that Réshiram will establish itself as the best Fire type attacker in the game. Here is our capture guide dedicated to Réshiram. You will find its best cons but also a lot of other tips to facilitate your fight!

  • Reshiram is only available in level 5 raids . Try to capture it with the Sunny or Windy weather condition : it will be more difficult to beat but stronger once you get it.
  • A Reshiram at level 20, without weather boost has between 2217 and 2307 PC . With the weather boost, at level 25, he has between 2771 and 2884 PC . The higher you are, the more good your Pokémon will have IVs!
  • In terms of statistics, remember that Reshiram is a monster of power, mainly focused on attack. We talk about it in more detail in the article we quote in the introduction, but believe us when we say that this is nothing more or less than the best representative of the Fire type .
Reshiram fanart by R8A-creations

Pokémon GO, Reshiram: How to beat it and capture it in raids?


Since Reshiram is a Fire and Dragon type, it is weak at the Dragon, Sol and Rock types . Here, in order, are the best Reshiram cons. This list was generated using a combat simulator, so it is very reliable. It is based on the damage that your Pokémon will be able to inflict but also their resistance against the attacks of Réshiram (which we will detail later).
  • Dialga (Draco-Souffle / Draco-Météore)
  • Rayquaza (Draco-Tail / Anger)
  • Charkos (Anti-Air / Rockfall)
  • Tranchodon (Draco-Queue / Draco-Griffe)
  • Palkia (Draco-Queue / Draco-Météore)
  • Drattak (Draco-Tail / Anger)
  • Dracolosse (Draco-Queue / Draco-Griffe)
  • Carchacrok (Draco-Queue / Anger)
Dialga will almost always be the best option (unless you come across a Reshiram with only Fire attacks). The others, although generally the best, are almost all Dragon and can therefore find themselves in trouble if you have to face a Reshiram with one or even two attacks of the Dragon type (which is Super Effective on itself, remember it). Analyzing the Reshiram that you have in front of you is therefore super important before being certain of the composition of your team. Faced with a Reshiram focused on the Dragon type, it will rather be necessary to provide attackers of the Rock or Ground type such as Charkos, Rhinastoc , Terrakium, Groudon , Tyranocif , Minotaupe ...


About Reshiram's attacks

Reshiram has access to two quick attacks : Draco-Breath (Dragon) and Fangs Fire (Fire). It can have 4 charged attacks of three different types : Draco-Meteor (Dragon), Overheating (Fire), Blade of Rock (Rock) and Mâchouille (Darkness).

We have just said, facing a Dragon attack duo , go towards the Roche and Sol counter. The Reshiram you are looking for the most is the one with Fire Fangs and Overheating because it is the best Fire Pokémon in the game and your Dragon type Pokémon will have no problem destroying it. Also pay attention to Blade of Rock which can do a lot of damage on the Flight type of Rayquaza or Drattak for example.

Number of players advised according to your level of trainer

According to the simulator we used , it is technically possible to beat Reshiram as a duo without weather boost and with perfect Dialga. But don't risk it, that would be silly. Even with 3 or 4 high level players the fight will be really complicated. We recommend that you come to at least 5 . And if you are not at level 40, it may take even 10 people to bring down this monster. Good luck !