Snapchat has launched Spectacles V2 wacky sunglasses


Spectacles V2

Snapchat, or Snap Inc., last week introduced Spectacles V2, the second generation of wacky sunglasses with built-in cameras. The new model has many advantages, including a thinner body and charging case, water resistance and photo taking. Harris, our resident video expert, recently grabbed a pair and put together an unpacking video that gave a full introduction to the product.

In addition to being slimmer, Snapchat Spectacles V2 also featured new, more classic colors, lighter lenses, and easier syncing. There are no more yellow rings to indicate that you are using the camera, and there are new prescription options for people who need them. As for water resistance, Snapchat says that shallow water activity is good (pools, rain, etc.), but obviously don't go scuba diving.

It is well known that the first round of glasses did not perform well. After the initial buzz died down, Snap inc. was able to move only about 220,000 pairs and eventually had to write off $40 million in inventory. But the company clearly still believes it is doing something, and it will be interesting to see if the new design and features are enough to attract customers. Glasses V2 is now available for $150.