Super Smash Bros. North American Championship Date, Rewards


"Super Smash Bros. : Special Edition" will host an online North American Championship, and the championship is currently open for registration. The North American Championships will start on May 30 and will be held every weekend until June 21. The winner of the Super Smash Bros. competition will receive a free game as a prize.

Super Smash Bros.

Super Smash Bros.

The tournament will be held in eight regions, and the winners between the two regions each week will receive championships and prizes. In addition, the top four players in the competition will receive the Nintendo game download code as a prize. Currently available games are "Splatoon 2", "ARMS" and "Super Smash Bros.: Special Edition". The North American Championship, although not as traditional electronic athletics sports tournament so grand, but always better than nothing.

Super Smash Bros.

The championship will be judged by the three-game two-win system. It should be noted that only citizens of North America, Canada or Mexico can register. Registration will close at 8 am North America time on May 30. Although the sales and reputation of "Super Smash Bros.: Special Edition" are excellent, the game is not known for having a strong network infrastructure. In fact, after the battle game championship went live, it was removed from the EVO 2020 lineup.

"Super Smash Bros." is a horizontal fighting game series jointly developed by HAL Research Institute and Nintendo . It exclusively landed on the NS host on December 7, 2018. There are currently more than 60 characters participating in the game, and the built-in BGM has exceeded 1,000. In the future, the game will have a new DLC online.