Switch: Search "Buy Nintendo" Up 890% In Canada During Containment


Many of us spent part of our time confined to our consoles. On the sales side, it is above all the Nintendo Switch that seems to come out on top during this difficult period, as a little more recent analysis shows.

The firm MiQ Canada recently published interesting statistics concerning the trends of the video game market during these last weeks. According to data gathered by these marketers, the number of " Buy Nintendo " searches on the Internet increased by 890% in Canada during the seven weeks of confinement. On the competitive side, we note an increase of 80% for the terms " Buy Xbox " and 70% for " Buy PlayStation ". It must be said that with the release of the highly anticipated Animal Crossing: New Horizonsand the farandole of consumer games already available, the little Nintendo machine had enough to attract family customers. An unexpected increase in sales which should largely boost the financial objectives of the Japanese firm.

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