Which nintendo first party games are not compatible with Switch Lite?


All games are playable, although some games are not suitable for Lite or require additional accessories (joy-con).

The biggest difference between Lite and regular NS is that it can't connect to a TV and there's no joy-con.

To start with joy-con, you can easily distinguish between the following must-haves.

Games like Ring Fit Adventure and Labo have their own peripherals, which must be played with JoyCon. Of course, Lite can be purchased as an extra for JoyCon, which is optimized for joy-con.

Nintendo is arguably one of the best companies to combine peripherals with games, and almost all first-party games have some customizations of joy-con, such as Super Mario Odyssey and others that are strongly recommended.

For some games like ARMS, joy-con is a completely different experience, and the official recommendation is that joy-con TV is much less restrictive than JoyCon, but many games are too small to watch on Lite. But Lite also has a better game than the regular NS.

The biggest difference between Lite's controller and JoyCon is the addition of a cross key, which may make it easier to use in some 2D games, such as Super Mario Maker 2.