Why do I watch Little America Season 1?

Little America, one of the hottest TV drama this year which has been launched on January 17, 2020, touched many ordinary people. The main characters, starred by Zachary Quinto, Haaz Sleiman, Meìlanie Laurent, Shaun Toub, Conphidance, and Sherlilyn Fenn, all was played very well.

Some people may think that the Little America is an inspirational chicken soup, but I was surprised to find it beautiful. I alomost watched the eight episodes without break. The United States is a country of immigrants. Just as we often say, three generations of urban residents may be farmers, and three generations of Americans may be migrants. Each of these changes in the environment, the motivation of immigrants, and the adaptation of the new environment has its own sweet and bitter taste.

Of course, the people selected in this drama are inspirational, and they adapt well in the new environment. This is actually nothing wrong. I hope that in the next season, it is also good to choose some relatively less inspirational ones. After all, life is good and bad, not everyone can live as a motivational hero.