15 Things NOT TO DO in Animal Crossing New Horizons!


As we all know, "Animal Crossing New Horizons" is a game with a high degree of freedom. You can freely match your own home and dress up, what kind of what you like, where you want to go, and there is no specific task that forces you to complete it immediately. It is said that even mortgage loans do not charge interest. But the high degree of freedom does not mean that everything can be messed up. Because of the extremely high degree of freedom of this game and the carefully designed various details, slowly you will find that there are a lot of things in this game that you did not realize at first Arrived, but later regretted his original experience.

Here we list 15 things that you should not try in "Animal Crossing New Horizons" to help you avoid detours and get rich early to live a happy life.


1. Don't go to the toilet after eating fruit

In " Animal Crossing", many players are easily mistaken for the first time they get the furniture of the toilet. It is really just a home decoration, until you eat 10 fruits before you sit on this. Specifically, when you eat 10 fruits and sit on the toilet, you will see that the number of fruits in the upper left corner of the belly continues to decline until it drops to 0. Therefore, if you do n’t want the fruit after eating the fruit If it is expelled, don't think about going to the toilet.

2. Do not shoot in a hurry when the balloon is on the sea / river

Balloons are a gameplay setting that always surprises people in " Animal Crossing". On an uninhabited island, you will see a balloon floating in the sky from time to time. If you shoot it down with a slingshot, you will get items such as bell money, furniture, and DIY drawings. However, if this is the first time you have dropped a balloon gift into the water, a new achievement "Water Obstacle" will also be unlocked.

3. Don't run inside the flowers

The flower is a good thing that can be used as an ornament and has practical effects in " Animal Crossing". Planting flowers on the island can not only be used for beautification, but also attract a lot of insects, and be sold to earn bell money after capture. When the characters in the running pass through the flowers, the flowers will also fall, so do n’t run casually while in the flowers. Open the garden at the gate of the airport without leaving a passage, in case your tourist friends get excited after going to the island. When they ran in front of you, the flowers behind them were all trampled.

4. Don't give gifts to small animals blindly

If you have a gift for the little animals, give them gifts If you do, you will probably find that the collocation of the little animals is simply inexhaustible, and the original neat home will have more strange things you give. That scene should not be too beautiful. For example, Ed Ho (boy) put on the ballet suit I sent out and became a big lady, but I still can't take it off:

5. Don't hold anything while waiting for a meteor

In " Animal Crossing", as long as the sky is clear at night, pull the right rocker to the top and look up at the sky, and press the A key when the meteor is crossing to make a wish. Related fragments. But here we need to remind everyone that you must not hold something else in your hand while looking up at the sky and waiting for the meteor. Otherwise, when you put down the props, the meteor will be fleeting.

6. Don't plant next to each other when planting saplings

Fruits including peaches, oranges, cherries and other fruits brought on the material island or at a friend ’s house can be planted in their own islands and grow from saplings to mature fruit trees without interference. However, it should be noted that saplings planted next to each other will not grow.

7. Don't plant coconut trees on the lawn

In the game, coconuts can also be taken home for planting like other fruits, but be careful when planting coconut trees. Although coconut trees can also plant saplings in the lawn area, coconuts planted on the lawn will not grow. , Coconut trees will only grow on the beach to grow and bear fruit.

8. Don't "fight the grass and startle the snake" when fishing

There are subtle differences in the size and shape of different fish shadows in the game. For example, many sharks that players want to catch will have a dorsal fin display on the fish shadow. But because of this, many players are often excited when they press the B button to run forward when they see the fish shadow they dream of. They must be scared away. Remember, when you encounter a favorite fish shadow in " Animal Crossing" Never run, because the sound of footsteps will make the fish run away immediately.

9. Don't worry about spending all your money on Friday and Saturday. You need to hoard money, hoard money, hoard money!

In " Animal Crossing", every Sunday morning, there is a small pig named Cao Mai coming to your island to sell rutabaga, and this is also an important way to get rich overnight in the game. Specifically, the price of small pigs selling kohlrabi on your island is random. It may be bought for 90 ringtones, or may be bought for 107 ringtones. After the purchase, from Monday to Saturday During the time, two raccoons will bid for these kohlrabis in the raccoon store. Their purchase price will change and update twice a day. The purchase price may be 38 ringgits or 600 ringings. Therefore, in the kohlrabi market, all you have to do is to continue to pay attention to the purchase price of the store, and then buy low and sell high to obtain huge profits.

10. Don't call back time after buying Kohlrabi

Regarding kohlrabi, it is also necessary to remind that buying and selling kohlrabi is a powerful way to make a fortune, but it is recommended that players under any circumstances not arbitrarily call back the game time after purchasing kohlrabi, because according to the lessons learned by some players after practice I learned that if you turn back the game time after purchasing Kohlrabi, it will cause all Kohlrabi to rot and cannot be sold, and your investment will be lost.

11. Don't carry too much money on your body

In "Dong Sen", the maximum upper limit of ring money that your wallet can carry is about 90,000 yuan. After reaching the upper limit, excess cash will be automatically placed in the backpack to occupy the grid position, so here is a reminder to everyone that In the game, you should make use of the raccoon machine deposit and withdrawal service provided by the raccoon cat. This will not only free up the position of the backpack and the storage box at home, but also get the interest from the deposit on the 1st of each month.

12. After the store is closed, do n’t rush to put valuables in the purchase box for sale

After the Nook store is completed, the two raccoons will tell you that the store's business hours are from 8 am to 10 pm. Outside this time period, the store will not provide services for trading commodities, but players can sell the goods they want to sell. Put it in the purchase box outside the store, but it should be noted that the price of this purchase to the purchased product will be sold at 20% off the original price. Therefore, if you do n’t need money urgently, do n’t throw the goods collected at night into the purchase box, and in the middle and later stages of the game, there will be different NPCs appearing on the island to purchase fish and insects at high prices. Waiting for items, so before throwing them into the acquisition box or selling them in the store, it is recommended to get up in the morning and walk around the island to see if there are high-priced acquisition merchants.

13. Do n’t rush to Material Island without organizing your backpack

In the early stage of the game, many resources can be obtained faster by going to the material island. However, some novice players must be reminded that before going to the material island, they must organize their backpacks before starting, in addition to the necessary fishing rod, shovel, axe, In addition to props such as poles, ladders, and other items, you can put them in the storage box at home first, otherwise when you arrive at the resource-rich material island, but find that your bag is full of furniture and other items that you can't throw away, just Will cry without tears.

14. Don't throw stones after eating fruits

In the game, eating fruits will give you more strength, and then you will be able to dig up the saplings with a shovel and plant them elsewhere. However, it is important to remember not to knock the stone after eating the fruit, because with the addition of fruit you will be extremely powerful, and you can break the whole stone with a single blow, greatly reducing the amount of material that the stone drops.

15. When the network is unstable, don't easily go to the friend island to be a guest or open the door to invite others

It is a very interesting thing to go online with your friends in "Motion". You can plunder your friends' sea resources or watch the meteor shower with everyone. An island can support up to 8 when online People are online at the same time. But it should be reminded that when the network is not good, try not to visit other people ’s islands or invite others to play in their own homes, because as long as one person goes offline during the online process, everyone on the island may be offline Back to the file, in simple terms, if friend A catches a dreamy rare shark at this time, if you drop the line at this time, it is equivalent to doing nothing. Therefore, the "crash" and "blasting island" caused by unstable network services during the connection are undoubtedly harmful to others.


I found out that the gameplay of Animal Crossing
When my friend is online and getting rare species of fish, I immediately disconnected the network, and pretends to be very sorry