2020-2021 you will see these 6 science fiction blockbusters!


Many movies originally scheduled for release in 2020 have been delayed until 2021. The film and television industry was forced to change the release schedule to accommodate the cessation of production and the closing of theaters. Although some people hope that the theater will reopen in late summer (just in time for the release time of "TENET" and "Wonder Woman 1984").

But for film companies, there is too much uncertainty.

2020-2021 science fiction movies

2020-2021 science fiction movies​

Since March, almost every movie has been deleted from the schedule until the middle of July. Some people are still waiting for a new date, or in a few cases (such as "Troll World" and the upcoming "SCOOB!"), They are sent directly to streaming media or PVOD. However, because some industry insiders doubt whether the theater can reopen in 2020, many film companies did not take this risk, but moved their blockbuster from this year to 2021.

Here are 6 science fiction movies that will be released in 2021 and 2022.

1."Eternal Race"

2020-2021 science fiction movies

2020-2021 science fiction movies​

Due to the internal connection of the Marvel movie universe, if one Marvel movie changes its release date, then other movies will have a domino effect. After delaying the release of "Black Widow", Disney changed the release time of the fourth stage of the MCU film, postponed the release of "Eternal Race" until February 12, 2021, and originally scheduled for November 6, 2020 The "Eternal Race" and "Black Widow" film releases on the Japanese exchanged. "Eternal Race" will be confronted with Paramount's romantic comedy adventure "Monster Problem", but it is expected to easily win the box office battle.

2."Ghostbusters: Afterlife"

2020-2021 science fiction movies

2020-2021 science fiction movies​

Jason Letterman directed the long-awaited sequels "Ghostbusters" (1984) and "Ghostbusters 2". "Ghostbusters 2" is about a single mother (Kelly Kuhn) and her children moving to a small town and discovering their connection to the original "Ghostbusters". The film was originally scheduled for release on July 10, but was delayed due to Sony ’s massive withdrawal from the 2020 summer release plan, and will now be released on March 5, 2021. Currently, "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" is the only movie scheduled to be released that day. So it is not expected that there will be any collision of schedules.


2020-2021 science fiction movies

2020-2021 science fiction movies​

Before the pandemic, Sony Pictures had two movies with cartoon characters in the background, which were scheduled to be released in 2020.

The first "Mobias" starred Jared Leto, who turned from a nominal scientist into a vampire anti-hero, originally scheduled for release on July 31 this summer.

4."The Chainsaw: Gaiden"

2020-2021 science fiction movies

2020-2021 science fiction movies
When Chris Rock was just released in "The Chainsaw", many horror fans were surprised by his performance.

Lionsgate Pictures clearly has high expectations for the sequel's renewal, and the company recently planned to release the movie "The Chainsaw" on May 15. But for some special reasons, the film was postponed indefinitely. Since then, it has decided to postpone the release of the film for 12 months, until May 21, 2021. So "The Chainsaw" also entered the screening team in 2021!


2020-2021 science fiction movies

2020-2021 science fiction movies​

This sci-fi thriller is about a person who finds that he can recall the memories of previous lives and joins a secret organization that is essentially a superhero with the same capabilities. Paramount was originally scheduled to be released on August 7, 2020, but later it was delayed by a few months until May 28, 2021.

6."Venom 2: Slaughter"

2020-2021 science fiction movies

2020-2021 science fiction movies
In addition to "Mobias", Sony initially planned to launch a sequel to "Venom" this year as part of its continued efforts to build its own Marvel movie universe.

However, with the production stoppage, all this is impossible. The producers also changed their attitudes, postponing from the original scheduled October 2, 2020 to June 25, 2021. Regardless of whether Jurassic World: Domination is released two weeks earlier, the target audience for the "Venom" sequel may be its own fans.
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