Animated Short Wind (2019)ending explaining-what's with the ending?

Bread Pitt

what's with the ending of Animated Short Wind ? The animation has reached very high quality levels, and this short film is technically very well done: characters design, soundtrack and direction are exceptional. Nevertheless the plot seemed to me poor and little reasonable: I understand the desire of the author to arouse emotions, but the conclusion seemed a little bit cruel to me. Unnecessary.

 Animated Short Wind (2019)ending explaining-what's with the ending?

I also felt bad about the ending of this beautiful short and went looking for an explanation. I found it in a behind-the-scenes video on YouTube where the director, Edwin Chang, says it was inspired by his Korean grandmother. The film is meant to honour the sacrifices of immigrants' and refugees' families who stay behind after doing everything they can to ensure their children have a better life in a new country.