China smart toilet industry analysis: dilemma, enviroment, prospect


Under the influence of the coronavirus pandemic, "health" has become the focus of the people's attention. However, when many industries and enterprises tried their best to "rub" the heat of health, the smart toilet sales volume unexpectedly decreased in 2020. Such market performance revealed that the smart toilet industry in the past few years, which is considered to be a blue ocean, has encountered development bottlenecks. What should we do to break the dilemma?

China's smart toilets decline for the first time in 5 years
In the first half of 2020, the market of smart toilets is generally performing, especially during the epidemic period, the scale does not increase but declines. According to AVC data, in the first quarter of 2020, the online sales of smart toilets (including cover plates and integrated machines) was 454 million yuan, down 17.4% year-on-year; the retail volume was 198,600 units, year-on-year down 16.2%.

With the end of the pandemic in China, consumer demand has gradually recovered, and the decoration market has begun to pick up, driving the rapid growth of smart toilet integrated machines. In the first five months of 2020, online market retail sales increased by 4.24% year-on-year, and retail sales increased by 11.26% year-on-year. In comparison, the smart toilet market has recovered relatively slowly. In the first five months, the online market retail sales were basically flat year-on-year, and retail sales fell by 2% year-on-year. Compared with the 82% base year increase in retail sales in the online market over the past five years, the downturn in the smart toilet market in 2020 is evident.

Avi Cloud Network (AVC) pushed the total data to show that during the JD 618 promotion period (May 25 to June 21, 2020), the online sales of smart toilets was 360 million yuan, down 8.4% year-on-year. The offline sales was 140 thousand units, a year-on-year decrease of 5.3%.

An industry insider said that consumers have low awareness of smart toilets, misunderstandings about products, and it is difficult to change the habits of using traditional toilets. Product promotion may increase product awareness, but according to previous industry head brands From a practical point of view, the investment and benefits received cannot be equal. At the same time, the smart toilet industry is currently not healthy.

China smart toilet industry analysis: dilemma, enviroment, prospect

Seeking a way to break the diemma
In the "618" promotion, the sales volume of Haier V&H smart toilet cover increased by 32%, and the sales volume of smart toilet integrated machine increased by 297%.

With reference to Haier, its V&H built a smart bathroom experience store and achieved zero-distance interaction with users through offline contacts, brought consumers a new health care solution and a new smart bathroom experience. Solving user needs is the foundation of business development.

China's smart toilet industry status that needs to be changed

At present, some low-quality products of small and medium-sized enterprises have entered the market, competing at low prices, just to earn a dollar, resulting in uneven product quality in the industry.

Another industry status that needs to be changed is that companies have relatively low R&D investment and low R&D strength. With a small industry base and limited operating income, many companies are reluctant to invest more capital and manpower in research and development. At present, the R&D team of mainstream smart toilet brands is mostly 10-20 people, and even some brands do not have R&D teams.

Prospect and Conclusion
In the long run, the smart toilet industry has good development prospects. Whether it is advocating to improve the quality of life of consumers or driving Chinese demand through innovation and upgrading, smart toilets are in line with the current development trend. However, the smart toilet industry, which is still in the early stages of development, has not really entered the stage of competition. How to make the market bigger is the key.