Death Stranding babies role introduction: What does babies mean?

What does it mean to have a baby in Death Stranding? I believe that you often see containers with babies. I will introduce you to the role of babies in Death Stranding. Interested players may wish to take a look.

The baby in the Death Stranding is also called Bridge Baby. After completing several main story missions, Bridge Baby will join Sam's team. After that, the two will become inseparable. The protagonist cannot leave the child anywhere.

Death Stranding babies role introduction: What does babies mean?

The main purpose of Bridge Baby is to detect BT, which is the invisible creature you encounter at the beginning of the game. After entering the location with BT, the scanner will be able to indicate the location of the nearest creature. In the example above, the scanner tells the creature that it is on the left.

The scanner initially flashes white, but once you get close to BT, it will turn orange. You will be able to see the outline of BT, making it easier to bypass or attack with a grenade.

Death Stranding babies role introduction: What does babies mean?

The scanner will only work properly when Bridge Baby is not feeling sick. If you find that the baby has started crying, press and hold L1 and select the option to appease Bridge Baby. Depending on the selected control scheme, you must move the controller or press and hold the R2 button.

A more serious problem is when Bridge Baby will fail, at this time it can not detect BT at all. You will experience this for the first time during Order 5-Rare Metal Delivery. In the latter part of the game, this may be the result of neglecting to try to calm down the child by putting a lot of pressure on the child.

The solution is to go back to Sam's private room. After arriving at the shelter, Bridge Baby will go to the incubator, where it can cure the disease and fully recover.


Infants can mark the bt position (approximate position), so that the protagonist can see BT in advance, and no small infant player will be killed by BT.