Philips differences between 55PUS7334 and 55PUS7304


The differences are:

* 55PUS7304 has white stand and remote with no qwerty keyboard on the back, 55PUS 7334 is same as 7304 but include qwerty keyboard on the back
* 55PUS7354 has grey stand and remote with no qwerty keyboard on the back, 55PUS7394 is the same but includes qwerty keyboard on the back

Philips Compare.png

There is also a slight colour difference between some of the models so thought I would post Philips reply here in case it helps others,

"The only difference between those televisions is the remote control and slightly
different colour of the tv.

55PUS7304/12 has a Light silver Colour and one sided remote control.

55PUS7334/12 has a Light silver Colour but it contains two sided remote control with a qwerty keyboard on the back.

55PUS7354/12 has a Silver chrome colour and one sided remote control.

55PUS7394/12 has a Silver chrome colour and two sided remote control with a qwerty keyboard on the back.

Rest of the specification is exactly the same."

