Hope Gap movie short review: Another explaination of Marriage Story


The director of the Hope Gap movie is a screenwriter and the script is quite good. Hope Gap shows the state of the love in the marriage a little bit. When the relationship after the breakup was reversed, the suppressed party left more determinedly. This 29-year marriage passed through like a clenched sand. The last sentence of the rival that three people were unhappy before and now only one person was unhappy waken up the mistress that the original family happiness in the past was just self-righteous.

Hope Gap movie short review: Another explaination of Marriage Story

The tide of love gradually receded in 29 years, revealing the reefs and rugged gullies hidden in it. This is not the end of marriage, but it is one of its most authentic appearances. The discussion of marriage is really an eternal topic of humanity. Oriental families pay more attention to a kind of "fetter" between family members. The trivial life, the days of rice, oil and salt, are all concentrated in a "I am back". This kind of love derived from family affection closely links everyone. Western families pay more attention to "personal will." Although the two love each other, it is most important for me to be comfortable in this marriage, and this will will not change with time, just like Hope Gap. Edward, who has chosen to leave in pain, and Grace, who has never changed in marriage.

Hope Gap movie short review: Another explaination of Marriage Story

Hope Gap has a very literary play style. The movie story basically relies on dialogue to drive, and the characters have unpleasant personalities that are selfish, obsessive. It is difficult for you to sympathize with anyone, but it is also difficult to say who is more wrong. It's too difficult to talk about adapting and letting go. If you can't avoid it, you have to give it to time slowly.

Hope Gap movie short review: Another explaination of Marriage Story

Acting in Hope Gap is very well. Fortunately, the acting skills of the leading actors are very good. The shortcoming may be that the preliminary stage is still a little owed. The other technical departments are quite satisfactory. The soundtrack is a bit timid. They are all mood-enhancing music that does not make people think about the tension of the sound and the picture. The same is true for the scheduling of photography and editing. It's quite reasonable to make things clear, with a little emotional empty mirror.

Carl B

Don't be so serious. I am looking forward to a marriage. It is longly be a ranger in a large and stressful metroplitan.