Introduction And Features of Three Projector Light Source


The common projection light source of projectors can be divided into three categories: traditional light source, LED light source and laser light source.

1. Traditional light source

The traditional light source mainly refers to the UHP (ultra-high pressure mercury lamp bubble), UHE (ultra-high pressure mercury lamp bubble), xenon lamp, halogen light and other high-pressure gas discharge light source. The advantage of this kind of light source is to have taller brightness and the price is cheap, but the disadvantage is more apparent also, life is short, only have a few thousand hours.

2. LED light source

LED light source is light emitting diode light source, LED light emitting principle and incandescent lamp and gas discharge lamp light emitting principle is different, LED light source energy conversion efficiency is very high, LED light source energy consumption can be close to incandescent lamp 10% energy consumption, LED light can achieve 50% energy saving effect compared with fluorescent light. In addition, the LED light source has a wider color gamut and higher color saturation. The most important thing is that the service life of the LED light source is up to 60,000 hours. However, its disadvantages are also obvious.

3. Laser light source

Laser light source is the use of excited states of particles under the influence of stimulated radiation light emitting a kind of electric light source, the main advantages of laser light source is high brightness, good color, low energy consumption, long service life and small volume, but it also has its disadvantages, that is expensive, therefore, because the price of laser light source is the high cost, the general audience won't choose to use, the projector manufacturers of natural there would be no choice. The projector price that chose laser illuminant is very expensive, it is above 10 thousand yuan basically, reduce other configuration to achieve the effect that reduces cost even at the same time.

All light source have pros and cons, hope this passage will help you know more about projector light source and choose your ideal projecor.