LCD TV White Screen Causes and Solutions


We often see a black screen on the TV, but the TV also has a white screen glitch. Here to share why LCD TV white screen and how to solve it.

What is LCD TV white screen?​

LCD TV white screen is divided into the following two situations:

1. Pure white screen: With signal input, the entire screen is white, and the image cannot be seen clearly. This is caused by a faulty motherboard (mainly check the LVDS chip).

2. White fog covers the white screen: The TV has an image, but the image seems to be covered by a layer of white fog. This is due to damage to the screen wires or the imaging-related circuits of the screen itself.

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How to fix TV white screen?​

When it is suspected that the fault is caused by the LCD screen, the screen frame can be disassembled, and the power supply of the upper screen and the voltage of each signal line can be tested under the power-on state.

If the power supply of the screen and the voltage of each signal line are abnormal, check the relevant circuit. If the power supply of the screen and the voltage of each signal line are normal, it can be determined that there is a problem with the imaging system of the screen. At this time, you can check whether the control chip of the screen is soldered or damaged.

When it is suspected that there is a problem with the imaging system of the screen, it is easier and quicker to judge by replacing the original screen with a normal screen.



Why is the LCD TV white screen?​

1. The falling off of the screen wire will cause the LCD TV to have a white screen. Usually this is just a small fault, and it is only necessary to check which line is loose and re-tighten it when overhauling.

2. The fuse of the LCD screen circuit board will also lead to the appearance of the white screen of the LCD TV. At this time, it is necessary to replace its screen circuit insurance.

3. There is a problem with the LCD screen.

4. The failure of the screen power conversion circuit is the DC-DC circuit. If the voltage stabilizer is damaged, sometimes there is a short display or no display and then a white screen when a failure occurs.

5. The mainboard control chip of the LCD screen has poor characteristics or is damaged.

6. The components have been aging, usually this phenomenon is caused by the problem of capacitance.

7. The problem of insufficient positive and negative power supply voltage on the LCD screen will also lead to the appearance of a white screen. At this time, the main problem of maintaining the stability of the voltage can be solved.

8. The abnormal signal leads to the appearance of the white screen phenomenon.