Monster Hunter World Iceborne online game mode with your friends

Leonord D

Hunting with other hunters is one of the fun of Monster Hunter World Iceborne, so the game provides a variety of convenient ways to make it easier for players to participate in hunting with other players.

1. Play in the same meeting place

Build a new meeting place by yourself

Talk to the receptionist or task board at the counter, select "Move to another assembly area" and create a new assembly area by yourself. The same operation can be performed after the game starts to read character data.

Enter other people's meeting place or friends' meeting place

After selecting "Move to another meeting area", choose to search for a meeting place. According to your needs, choose another person's meeting place online. If you want to move to a friend's meeting place, you can directly enter his/her location through the friend list You can also ask your friends to tell you the room number of the meeting place and enter through this number.

Monster Hunter World Iceborne online game mode with your friends

After entering the assembly hall (which can also be an investigation base in the same room), you can accept new tasks at the task counter/task board/receptionist for other hunters to participate in or participate in new tasks opened by other hunters.

2. Use rescue signals to participate in the game Monster Hunter World Iceborne

Except for some missions, or some special occasions, open the menu during the hunting process, select mission → rescue signal, and send a rescue signal. After the rescue signal is successfully sent, if the conditions for searching for rescue signal players are met, you can ignore the presence of the same assembly hall and come to hunt.

Similarly, you can search for rescue signals sent by others on the task board or task counter and go to participate. At this time, there is no need for players to be in the same meeting place with each other.