Nintendo Ends Online Services for 3DS and Wii U in April


Nintendo enthusiasts received news that marks the end of an era, as the official announcement from Nintendo confirms the cessation of online services for the beloved 3DS and Wii U consoles. Starting April 9th, 3DS and Wii U users will bid farewell to online gameplay, cooperative adventures, internet rankings, and other online communication-based features.

Nintendo emphasizes that services like online cooperative gaming, internet rankings, and data distribution will cease to function from April 8th onwards. This decision signals a shift in focus for Nintendo, aligning with the evolving landscape of gaming technology.

As a proactive measure, Nintendo allows users to transfer any unused Nintendo eShop balances to their Nintendo Account before March 11th. This ensures a seamless continuation of services for those transitioning to the Nintendo Switch platform.

Even after the termination of online services, Nintendo assures users that they can still download updates and access previously purchased games. Notably, Pokémon Bank will continue its operations for an indefinite period, although official plans for its future cessation are on the horizon.

The closure of eShop game stores for 3DS and Wii U occurred on March 27, 2023, as reported earlier. In response, Nintendo launched a dedicated refund page in October, facilitating the refund process for any remaining balances on 3DS and Wii U consoles.

Refund Options: Nintendo provided users with two refund options. Firstly, users could manually request a refund for any unused balances. Secondly, Nintendo introduced a wallet-linking feature that allows users to synchronize their 3DS/Wii U balances with their Nintendo Account. This feature, known as "link wallets," will be available until March 2024, enabling users to utilize their balances on the Switch platform.

As the sun sets on the online services for 3DS and Wii U, Nintendo encourages its dedicated community to embrace the new possibilities offered by the Nintendo Switch. While nostalgic memories will forever linger, the gaming landscape is ever-evolving, and Nintendo's strategic decisions reflect a commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation.