O que arde: It's a naturalistic poetry movie

O que arde (2019)
1h 26min | Crime, Drama | 4 September 2019 (France)
Score: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

I really like this kind of zero-entertainment film, which is almost halfway between a feature film and a documentary, where the script not only removes the narrative, but also fails to account for the necessary information.
There are only a few lines about eucalyptus trees that can provide an association with the hill fire, adding a poetic aftertaste to the story. The rest of the time it's just the routine and the state of a group of people, and you can even think of the fire as a psychological symbol of the hero after he gets out of prison for arson. It's a naturalistic poetry movie. It's fascinating!

O que arde