Player designs cover for next generation Xbox game Allen Wake 2 appears

Although it is now the era of digital download, there are still quite a few players who like to buy physical card / CD. In order to deal with Sony's next-generation game console PS5, Microsoft's Xbox Series X also seems to be ready to change the cover design of the physical disc.

After players designed the PS5 boot animation, another enthusiastic player designed a new game cover theme for Microsoft's next generation Xbox game console entity CD-ROM game.

Player designs cover for next generation Xbox game Allen Wake 2 appears

Player designs cover for next generation Xbox game Allen Wake 2 appears​

As you can see, in the player's eyes, the cover of the new generation Xbox game disc still retains the unique green color of Xbox. In addition, more and more brands are respected, there is a huge white Xbox logo on the top left corner of the cover. If it is an Xbox exclusive game, it will be marked with a green ribbon. Next, it will identify whether it has been optimized for Xbox Series X and whether it is compatible with the previous generation of Xbox one. Considering that Microsoft disclosed on May 13 that there will be no exclusive games in the early stage of the new Xbox release, such a cover design is indeed thoughtful.

The Xbox Series X is expected to be released by the end of 2020, facing Sony's new PS5. Are you satisfied with this cover design?