Ravenous. What did I just watch?


New member
Just finished this as part of a double feature with the Babadook in the spirit of the season, anoth r film I actually just saw for the first time.

Anyway, Ravenous popped up recently on Criterion channels 90's Thriller list. Outside of reading the description and cast on the page I went in completely blind.

I'm not sure what I expected but it was not... that. For some reason I thought from the films brief blurb I read that the 'pitch-black comedy' meant it would probably https://9apps.ooo/ have some dark humorous undertones, so dark that it becomes funny due to it's absurdity. It is definitely absurd. I felt it slipped between so many different horror/comedy genres that it almost gets disorienting.

Who else has seen this thing? I don't know how I'd not heard of it until now.
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