TV Buying Guide: 7 most important parameters for choosing TV


If you are a TV beginner who does not understand TV brands, here are the seven most important parameters for choosing a TV, which you can use as a reference when choosing a TV.
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1. MEMC (Motion Estimation, Motion Compensation)

TVs with MEMC technology can compensate low frame rate videos to high frame rates, significantly improving picture fluency and reducing stuttering. You can turn it on and off as needed. Due to the limited computing power of the chip, there will be frame errors and blurred images. In this case, it is best to turn off the motion compensation function in the settings.

2. Refresh rate

The refresh rate indicates how many times the screen can be refreshed per second. The higher the refresh rate, the smoother the picture. General TVs are 60hz, high-end TVs and some mid-range TVs are 120hz.

3. Wide color gamut

TVs with color gamut coverage above 130% BT.709/85% NTSC can be called wide color gamut TVs. You don't need to understand what color gamut is, just know that the higher the color gamut coverage, the more colors the TV can display, and the more brilliant the picture. In addition, the color gamut of TVs that support true HDR should be above 90% DCI-P3.

4. Brightness

Brightness is how bright the screen is. If the brightness is not enough, the screen will appear very dark, and the details of the dark parts will not be clearly seen. Generally, the brightness of low-end and medium-end TVs is below 400nit. To achieve true HDR, the screen brightness should reach more than 600nit.

5. Checkerboard light control partition

TVs with chessboard-type light-control partitioning technology divide the screen into dozens or even hundreds of blocks. Each block can control the brightness independently of each other instead of one brightness of the entire screen, making the bright place brighter and the dark place darker. In order to achieve true HDR, there must be a light control partition technology. Generally, high-end machines only have this technology.

6. Input Latency

For gamers, another important parameter is the input delay, that is, the time difference between the input operation and the screen response. The larger the difference, the less smooth it is. Generally, the delay of ordinary TV is generally more than 80 or even hundreds of milliseconds, which is particularly bad for playing games.

Sony, Samsung, LG, these three brands pay more attention to this input delay, and the game mode delay can be controlled within 20ms.

7. SOC and memory capacity

Of course, today's TVs are all smart TVs that can connect to the Internet and install apps. Like a TV, you need to pay attention to the performance and memory capacity of the SOC. TVs with insufficient SOC performance and insufficient memory capacity are prone to freeze.

These are the most important parameters for choosing a new TV. If you want to buy a TV, be sure to check the parameter before making a decision.
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