Why the DC Superman: Red Son couldn't work? Reasons listed

Bread Pitt

Why the DC Superman: Red Son couldn't work? First of all, the essence of the original is lost. Ideological antagonisms and political satires have become superficial dialogues and blackened superhuman brutality. The changed plot is not shit, and I want to retain the depth and the popularity of shooting, but the result is that neither is pleasing. In the end, the classic finale letter and Superman's life experience were also lost ... In the past few years, the dc animated film really made a ruined classic.

Generally faithful to the original but with the key details removed, this is the real magic change. Basically, it was changed according to a simple idea of blackening the red super (actively killing Stalin was really stunned), canceled the transformation process of the red super in the comics, and correspondingly lost the reflection on power and ducai, of course God's ending has also been changed so I won't say it. Typical good stories are wasted.

Why the DC Superman: Red Son couldn't work? Reasons listed

There are two kinds of people that are dangerous to Utopia: one is the rebel; the other is the fundamentalist, that is, the real and devout people who believe in utopian ideology. Sometimes they are more destructive to reality than the former. So when the superman of the Soviet Union found that there was such a gap between reality and the perfect belief of propaganda, he chose to kill Stalin and build the promised future utopia with his own strength, and then he became the "most perfect" dictator; "There is no fish when the water is clear", people's excessive superstition on the ideological commitment of purity, perfection and complete equality in the future leads to religious recklessness, ignorance, dictatorship and intolerance of others. With the token of "perfect future", all opponents in the current reality will be destroyed. Without complete equality and infinite freedom, "human beings, following the curved wood, will not be able to create straight Of things. In addition, it's a pity that these superhero movies in the United States dare not take a step forward, and they are only children's animation stories in the end.
