Xbox Series X official logo is simple and straightforward


As the next generation console is going to hit the market, Microsoft is getting more ready for the Xbox Series X. A Reddit user recently noticed that Microsoft has submitted the official logo for the Xbox Series X to the us patent and trademark office, which shows the iconic words "X" and "Series" on it. In the future we may be able to see the logo on the main package and some promotional materials.

Xbox Series X official logo is simple and straightforward

In addition to electronic hardware such as game consoles, XSX's trademark application page covers a wide range of goods. These include basketballs, stuffed toys, clothes, water glasses, suitcases, watches and shoes.

Xbox Series X official logo is simple and straightforward

The Xbox Series X console is expected to be released during the Christmas holidays of 2020. While many plans for the next generation console have been disrupted by the outbreak, Microsoft CEO satya nadella and Xbox chief Phil Spencer have previously said that the launch schedule for the XSX console has not changed and the hardware has not been significantly affected.

Xbox Series X official logo is simple and straightforward