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All about that next-gen gaming experience! Looking for TVs with low input lag, high refresh rates, and features like VRR for smooth gameplay.
Here for the entertainment! Looking for recommendations on TVs with great picture quality for movies and TV shows.
Building my dream home theater! Looking for recommendations on high-end TVs, projectors, surround sound systems, and calibration tips.
Love staying up-to-date on the latest TV technology! Mini-LED vs MicroLED? Give me all the details!
You have the best tools required to keep your business at the top. It’s like moving shipments with your mind - Simple, Effective and Efficient.
Hello, where did you get this firmware and what is the firmware version? After all, X3 is the Chinese version and there is no global version. I have X3, but there are no reviews who installed this firmware, I'm afraid to get a brick after flashing. Has anyone installed this firmware?
Barend Ray
Barend Ray
Dangbei has Mars pro now, which is an upgraded version of X3, it's a global model.