How to sideload apps on Roku by developer mode?


Can Roku install 3-rd party apps? Of course! The developer mode enables users to get some channels that are not officially supported to install. So how to sideload apps on Roku? Just turn on the developer mode of Roku.

Developer mode is a way to load almost any non-store channel into your Roku. There is how to do

1. How to turn on Roku developer mode?

Open Roku and press a specific button sequence on the official Roku remote (not the remote app on your phone) to start enabling developer mode. In order, press:

  • Home three times, then
  • Up two times, then
  • Right once, then
  • Left once, then
  • Right once, then
  • Left once, then
  • Right once
After performing all these actions, you should see the Developer secret screen:

Developer secret screen.png

Make a note of the IP address and username you see here, because you will need them later. After obtaining this information, select "Enable the installer and restart", and then click "OK" on the remote control. You will be asked if you agree to the SKD license agreement:

Roku SDK license agreement.png

After reading these contents, click "I agree", and then you will be asked to choose a development web server password.

roku developer webserver password.png

Write down the password you set, and your Roku will now restart. After launching, you can access Roku's developer mode.

2. How to access Roku developer mode?

Open a web browser on a computer connected to the same network as Roku. Paste the previously noted IP address into the URL and press Enter. You will be asked to enter your username and password.

login to roku developer mode.png

After completing the username and the password, click “Log in,” and your browser will open developer mode.

3. How to upload apps to Roku?

Now you have got the developer mode of Roku. Let's upload the 3-rd party file. Recommend you download Emotn Store AKP and install it on Roku, then you can get numerous fun apps from it.
Roku developer mode.png

Click the Upload button and choose the file you want to upload. Click Open to upload it.

upload file to roku developer.png

Now the file name is beside the Upload button, then click the Install button.

roku develoer install app.png

After it is finished, the app will appear on your Roku, which means you have sideloaded the 3-rd party app on Roku successfully!