What's new about Call of Duty 17? Game details released


Call of Duty 17 has not yet been announced, but rumors about the work have been endless. Recently, YouTuber Xclusive Ace revealed a lot of details of Call of Duty 17 in his latest video. The Call of Duty 17 game will have a single player campaign, multiplayer mode, zombie mode, scheduled to be released in the fourth quarter of this year, may It's October or early November. The game is currently in a very good state and all multiplayer maps have been completed. The single-player campaign can also be played in full, but there are some unfinished animations. In addition, Battle Royale mode Call of Duty Warzone will be added to Call of Duty 17.

What's new about Call of Duty 17? Game details released

Some details of Call of Duty 17 are as follows:

Indeed set during the Cold War

Originally planned to be released in September this year, but temporarily postponed to the beginning of the fourth quarter (October/early November)

The game is in a good state, the multiplayer map is basically completed, there are some textures and other problems to be fixed

The battles are all playable, currently lacking some sounds and animations

Battles, zombies, multiplayer and theater, including a new theater map

Standard minimaps will be available, which means that if the player fires a gun without a silencer, you will appear on the enemy’s minimap

The game currently has no fog of war

The compass of Call of Duty 16: Modern Warfare returns

Can't climb or lean

Gliding regression

Swimming returns, which means there will be water in the multiplayer map

There is a huge lake in the middle of the new theater map

"Call of Duty 16" tactical sprint will not return, but unlimited sprint

Multiplayer maps do not have interactive doors, but there will be war zones

There are currently 10 multiplayer maps, one of which is a boat in the Black Sea, and the other maps are:

Mall (map name): a very complex map

Satellite (map name, desert center), very open, with some small caves, similar to "modern war 2" map "Afghanistan"

Tank (map name), small-scale medium-sized three-line map, suitable for sports

Tundra (map name)

KGB (map name), very small, about the size of the Shoothouse of Call of Duty 16

No expert role

When the current blood volume is 150, it will automatically return blood