Old but Best adapted film to watch if you are tired of reading novels


Adapted from Nobel Prize winner Mikhail Sholohov's famous novel, And Quiet Flows the Don is a trilogy of films that vividly depicts the life and struggle of cossacks in the Don during the turbulent period from world war I to the end of the Soviet civil war.

And Quiet Flows the Don depicts many characters, such as Gregory and his mistress axinia, and depicts a multi-tone scene, which reflects the changing era in multiple aspects and layers. At the same time, it also shows the hard process of the establishment and consolidation of the Soviet regime in the Cossack region and its strong vitality, and reveals the fate of the inevitable demise of all the reactionary and backward forces.

Best adapted film to watch if you are tired of reading novels

As soon as the film And Quiet Flows the Don was released, it immediately attracted the attention of the world, won the Stalin prize, the first prize and the best director award of the 1958 all-soviet film festival, the grand prize of the 1958 carrovy-farley international film festival, and the honorary award of the American directors guild for best adapted film in 1960.