Rainbow Six: Siege exceeded 1 billion days, how much did you participate in?

Bread Pitt

According to Windowscentral, Ubisoft recently released its latest fiscal quarter data for 2020. Among them, the number of "Rainbow Six: Siege" players has exceeded the 60 million mark , higher than 55 million at the end of last year.

 Rainbow Six: Siege

"Rainbow Six: Siege"
The total game time of Rainbow Six: Siege reached 1 billion days in fiscal year 2019-2020 , and the next update of "Rainbow Six: Siege" "Metal Frenzy" is coming The update will bring new recruits from Norway / South Africa and maps. "Rainbow Six: Siege" has landed on PS4, Xbox One and PC, the future PS5 and Xbox Series X will also support this game.

"Rainbow Six: Siege" is adapted from the character settings in the novel "Rainbow Six" based on the Ubisoft Entertainment's IP "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six" series. The characters in the game come from the world The counter-terrorism forces of various countries , they come together in the game to face a common enemy. The characteristics of each player are very clearly portrayed. Different characters use different skills, different skills match different items, and the firearms used by each character make each character appear vividly to the player.

The player will play an offensive player or a defensive player to perform a tactical simulation exercise and conduct a 5v5 duel. The plot is extremely tense, and each move affects the result of the game.