How to make money in Animal Crossing New Horizon?


Before playing the Animal Crossing New Horizon, new players who has never touched the series of Animal Crossing before will be confused when playing the new sequel. So we specially arranged the common problems to share with you! Also welcome all the veterens to share their experience in the comment area. This article is for you to introduce the ways to make money in Animal Crossing New Horizon.

How to make money in Animal Crossing New Horizon?

1. Sell the caught insects and fish, picked flowers and fruits, picked shells and other sundries to the Animal Crossing store.

2. There is a special fruit on each island. There are 5 kinds in total, namely pear, cherry, apple, peach and orange. There is only one kind of special fruit on the player's own island, and other fruits can be exchanged with other players. If you plant fruit from other islands on your own, it will sprout and bear fruit. This kind of exotic fruit can sell for 500 bolls.

How to make money in Animal Crossing New Horizon?

3. Shake the tree every day, not only can it drop branches, but also a small amount of bell money and furniture.

4. Every day, there will be any stone on the island that can knock out money. Please refer to the mining operation above and try to strike eight times in a row!

How to make money in Animal Crossing New Horizon?

5. After the civet's shop is officially opened, there will be a high price for service every day. You can get several times of the original price for selling the designated props.

6. All the above are small money! If you want to be rich, please try to speculate!

Welcome to share with us your secrets on money making in Animal Crossing New Horizon.