Is The Willoughbys on Netflix worth watching? Audience gave 6.5 rating, just passed

Nike Kidman

The Willoughbys (2020) released on Netflix on 2020-04-22 (Canada), the movie is adapted from a novel by well-known writer Louise Lowry, telling Willer than the four children of his family that their parents think they are rotten, they will be better off, so they planned a dangerous trip to send their parents on the road. At the same time, the children and the nanny embark on a colorful journey to find the true meaning of "family".

The Willoughbys on Netflix

Is The Willoughbys on Netflix worth watching?
Here are some movie reviews by audience just watched the movie:

Pimpin little fat:

The style is very interesting, the theme is also very new, a very interesting anime movie, the story focuses on the love between children and parents, it is very healing, the whole movie also has some sensational points, the director's treatment is still done Not bad. Let ’s talk about the bad things in the film, the plot is a bit unfashionable, and it feels a bit naive. It is still a lot worse than the animation produced by Disney, but it is still quite good, 6.5 points, just passed.


these parents are juest like my parents ...


The production is good, the plot is not good, but there is a taste of Addams family, which is particularly cute.
If you are tired of Hollywood's round-headed and big-eyed style, you can change the taste of this film. Although the plot is relatively young, it is quite suitable for children if there is a national match. The problem is that it is anti-parental ...