Pixar 2020 masterpiece, both creative and tearful, but it is too admirable


Pixar, known for his creativity, hasn't produced original animations for more than two years after 2017. As a symbol of Pixar's return to originality, the new work Onward was launched at this time point for aesthetic fatigue of various sequels, which naturally carried the most eager expectations. After all, this is Pixar. As soon as the head-shrunken desk lamp comes out, it can bring the audience back to the happy home full of imagination and warmth.

The story is full of gimmicks, and people are very curious: what will happen after the magic world has technology?

Pixar tells you the answer: Because magic is too difficult to learn, magic creatures have chosen the scientific and technological power that is easy to operate.

In addition to the gimmick, the story itself is quite solid: the protagonist Ian, who has always wanted to meet the father he has never met, "resurrected" his father's lower body, and in order to fulfill his wish, embarked on an ancient adventure with his brother Barely.

Even though he has already displayed his talent for magic, Ian is still a self-confident elf, he abides by the rules of the current world; while his brother Barely is fearless, indulging in adventure board games, keen to explore the ancient side of the world.

Pixar 2020 masterpiece, both creative and tearful, but it is too admirable

At the beginning of the adventure, the pressure of the external environment was encouraged by my brother. Ian slowly learned to control the magic and gradually showed self-confidence. He established a true brotherhood with his brother instead of persevering in the past, but at the last moment, but Because I returned to the original point of the journey-my hometown, Ian was extremely disappointed. I should n’t have listened to my brother Barely ’s ideas at first ... but Barely did n’t give up ...

In order to cherish the time with his lower body father, Ian left Barely, but at the moment when he came up with the wish list, various scenes with Barely emerged in his mind, only to find that he had completed each item on his wish list with Barely— — Even without his father ’s company, Ian has never been alone.

In the end, Barely successfully found the gem, but a disaster also followed ...

The play of personal growth has long been familiar, but it is rare that Pixar can find a new way of telling every time. It is really amazing, and it is worthy of Jobs ’legacy. Adhering to the principle of not spoiling the ending, if you are interested, go to watch the movie-Pixar produced, it must be a boutique!
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